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Nice to Meat You!

Hello once again internet! Sometimes I blog, sometimes I don't. Lucky for you, here I am again with something to say! 

My husband and I both work full time. (If you read my The Great Many Steps of Online Dating blog, spoilers, I married my friend about a year later!) We want to be healthier or at least less gross, if we're being really honest with ourselves. (The gross factor times laziness equals lots of Taco Bell in our house.) Matt (my husband has a name and everything!) and I both enjoy cooking, especially together. We just haven't always been the best about meal planning. We've tried a few different methods, usually when my step sons are visiting their mom and we've got extra time, but they fall apart soon after we've got the boys back. 

UNTIL NOW! (Lest you'd begun to fear)

Matt and I have finally figured out a good, workable EASY PEASY method. (See what I did there?) We discovered it kinda by accident. And like most wonderful things, it was born out of laziness. Matt made a giant pot of chili, and because we didn't really feel like cooking the rest of the week, we stretched that chili to the max! We had chili, chili dogs, chili mac, chili fries... and then it dawned on us. If we made one meat or meat based food a week, we could just adapt it a little each day, so we wouldn't be eating the same thing all the time... well, we would, but not feel like it.

Matt's and my biggest complaint with the meal planning methods we'd tried previously is we were eating the exact same lunches all day every day... and it got hecka boring. 

We started with three big meal prep items
  1. Chili
  2. Chicken
  3. Ground Turkey
And one lazy fall back meal
  1. Fish and Rice
It's currently #chickenweek in our house, which I'll explain more as I blog along. Rest assured, though, we are eating better, grocery shopping better, trying some fun new recipes, and spending less time asking each other "what do you want to make for dinner?" "I don't know, what sounds good?" If you've ever gotten stuck in that endless, winner-less (Well, except the Taco Bell Corporation... and sometimes Dominoes) monotony, then this blog might spark some motivation in you as well. 

Cheers, and nice to meat you! 
